Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I am in the office, posting a bit, with the kids playing outside with the coyotes and rattlesnakes when the camp phone rings. Since everyone is in a staff meeting, I answer it, and end up talking for maybe five minutes without looking at my children. I end the phone call, and hear Lucy crying- not seriously, so I go and check. They were playing in a puddle created from draining the pool...the pool that sat and grew green all winter...and made for a lovely mud puddle. Lucy did not like her wet pants and socks, so I took them off, which persuaded Bowden that he needed to do the same.

Then they went back to play some more before getting too cold to enjoy the muddiness.

Bowden might have stayed out for longer, but Lucy was definitely ready for home.


Annie said...

Great shots! REminds me of when we used to fill up the dirt with water for you kids at Margie Rosten's house. Then she'd pull out the kid's little plastic dishes, bowls and spoons and let you have at it. The afternoon would end with a hosing down and play in the wading pool.
Bowden looks like he's ready to leap. The little froggy boy!

Abigail said...

That last shot of Bowden is too much.

Lucy’s graduation

Lucy graduated this last June. She was Valedictorian of her class of 25 students, and came away with a lot of honors.  She participated in e...