Saturday, April 21, 2007

I am tired of the cold. I now bombard you with pointless shots, taken to prove that we still live...if not thrive.

Lucy on a cushion with her favorite snack.

Lucy and Baby Jack.

All three a way.

As artwork at Cafe Aroma.

Lucy making beds for herself.


Griffen said...

I'm so jealous that no matter how cold it is, your children are always brown, and no matter how warm it is, my children are always clear.

sarah said...

we did just spend a week and a half at the beach two weeks ago...but mostly i think it has to do with the 1/8 italian, hardly anything at all, but enough to give them olive skin.
maybe jack will be a pale-skinned child...

Lucy’s graduation

Lucy graduated this last June. She was Valedictorian of her class of 25 students, and came away with a lot of honors.  She participated in e...