I had asked her to be part of Jack's birth- this is the first time that my mom and sister couldn't come, and Lisa missed Lucy's, and I wanted her to be a part of it- I can't explain how meaningful the experiences of the other people in the room are to me- they see things I don't have the energy or wits to see, and they round out my experience. I wish that I could have had a picture of Lisa watching Jack emerge...but I was distracted, you know, pushing and all.
Beyond that- she stayed with me all day...in the boring, bad hospital...so that Josh could get the kids...all the way until closing. I love Lisa Diane Richard.
This is also a picture of good gift number 4- when I went to the hospital to be admitted, they put me in a tiny room with a moniter on to make sure I was in labor before they put me in room. I did not want to lie down, and thankfully, she checked me, and I was 6 centimeters dilated already. I think this was taken at 7:15am.
Born at 9:40 am, 7 lbs, 8oz, 20 and a half inches long and a head of 13 centimeters...his cry was not very strong, and he wasn't as awake and with it as my other two at first, but he took right to nursing and wouldn't stop for the first two hours. He pinked up beautifully, and if I do say so myself, is a very pretty baby.
I can't really write anything that will tell how thankful I am, or glad to have Jack out and healthy...I was not so excited this time about the new baby, knowing how much work they are- very glad, but not excited. It's amazing how those things just kick in. The joy that comes with a new person to love is unavoidable- and who would? I am taking a lot of pleasure in being with Jack, although not as much at 1:30am, to be honest.
Bowden was very excited to meet Jack, and exclaimed about all his little parts right away, and I think his excitement and joy made Lucy more comfortable. They have both been really good about all the changes, and very sweet on their new brother.
Bowden and Jack- on Bowden's birthday. The party was had and enjoyed, but you'll have to wait on those pictures.
Nanny and Jack at the hospital...what a support team I have!
Jack sleeping in the hospital bassinet. Isn't that a handsome profile?
Chillin' out. Maxin' Relaxin' all cool and all...I take my pretty blanket to the hospital to make it nice and cozy-ish.
Jack today! Three days old in his Daddy's arms and so tiny.
So blessed are we to have John Fox here to hold.
Oh Sarah!! Congratulations on your new adorable little man. I can't wait to meet him, and I'm so glad that everything went well and that you had such wonderful support. Congrats to you again, I'm so happy for you!
Sarah, he is SO BEAUTIFUL!! I thought so in the pics Josh posted, but even more so now after he's had three days worth of stretching out those little limbs. He's so perfectly crafted. I can see what you mean, he definitely looks like Bowden, and his nose looks a little different than than your other kids'. He's perfect. Your family is beautiful, and a blessing to me and mine. I miss you so much, and will miss you more, soon.
Must go before I start crying in the comments box. Love!! From Aunt Sandy.
Congratulations, Sarah!
He's perfect!
Isn't it amazing how God's handiwork is!
oh, so wonderful!
congratulations, and love to you all!
John Fox,
Baby Jack,
You have some serious good looks.
I think you got them from your Aunt Rosie.
She's great, you can't wait to meet her.
She loves you so much.
oh what a lovely jack he is. well done, parents!
What a fine looking little man! His lips are perfect.
I am so happy for you five! Well done and praise God!
Your comment about Josh is one I want to steal. I think you stated it perfectly, and I'm glad that you had the strength and comfort of a good man and a good friend.
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