Friday, June 13, 2008

Bowden caught his first lizard today- all by himself. Our round birdcage of a bird feeder had actually trapped a pygmy nuthatch in the empty seed chamber, and we all went out to watch as Josh set it free. I casually pointed out the lizard on the wall of the house, and Bowden went after it.
He said, surprised, "I caught it!"

I talked him into letting it go pretty quickly, after he'd pet it for a few minutes, and he raced around looking for others to catch. So begins this boy's lizard hunting.


al'xae said...

... a proud Idyllwild tradition. :)

lisa d said...

ehh, heh-heh, heh-heh,... she said pygmy nuthatch.

barefootkangaroo said...

Nice work, Shirts!!!

Lucy’s graduation

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