Saturday, April 24, 2010

Chris and Josh and Katie bravely kept both babies, the two year olds and Bowden while we escaped with the older girl for the ritual cleansing and beautifying of the feet that must take place every April. It was Lucy's first time, and I wasn't sure if she'd like it...
My mom didn't get her first pedicure until her fifties, and I didn't get mine until I was almost Lucy is ahead of the game in pampering. Of course, we got Starbucks right before, and each grabbed a magazine to look at.

I wasn't sure how it would go...I couldn't tell what she thought.
Then she took a drink, and I figured that she had the hang of it.

Marin and Lisa.

The finished product. Once we were done, Lucy asked me if we could come back tomorrow and "get my hands done."


MomZup said...

What a wonderful series of pictures! Lucy is a girl after my own heart. Pretty fancy looking feet and one hand! said...

I love your post Sarah!

Lucy’s graduation

Lucy graduated this last June. She was Valedictorian of her class of 25 students, and came away with a lot of honors.  She participated in e...