Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tate Chickens on a Messy Porch

I took these just before Bowden and Lucy flew up to Vermont for the month.  I'd like to say that they were sad to leave everyone, but the only one they were really sad to leave was Charlie.

Sometimes they all like each other a ton, but much of the time, Bowden picks and teases, Lucy bosses and shuts everyone out of her room in exasperation, and the two "little" boys fight and bicker and yell at everyone, all while Charlie demands that his every need is met, NOW, and only by the person of his choosing-usually me, but at the most frustrating times, some other random family member.
I think to not write this would skew my view of these days, and I have good hope that we are growing closer to each other, and learning how to love better.

They all missed each other.  The house was empty without everyone there, and our reunion was marked by days of sweet camaraderie.  Eventually a fight broke out, over boredom more than anything else, but I think we have retained some of the awareness that we are just so awesome all together.

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Millie was reading this over my shoulder, and it made her laugh. She said, "That sounds like us!" and she wasn't talking about the "we're awesome together" part (though we are, obviously) but the spot-on description of family and sibling dynamics that came before.

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