Thursday, April 23, 2020

This Month in Isolation Pictures

     I've never been as thankful for my houseload of kids as I have been this last month.  I also have never been as thankful for our giant house- the Plywood Palace, we call it.  If we have to stay home, it's so nice to stay home with this group of people we love, in a place with space enough for all of us.
     For us, social distancing in Northern Maine means that we don't go outside very often.  It's been cold and snowy for most of this time, as although we can feel and see Spring coming, she comes slowly, and in fits and starts, and then seems to abandon us altogether for days. 

     So- here is what we have done at home this frigid March and fickle April. 

     We have played games, done crafts, done homework- the kids are all enrolled in public school right now, and this semi-return to homeschooling is uncomfortable.  It's all of the worst parts of homeschooling- the worksheets, the confusing assignments, the differing schedules for different kids- and none of the best parts.  I miss the freedom and fun of homeschooling, the curriculum picked because it fits us well, the parts that stretch our minds and understanding in ways that are good.  I do think that I'm comfortable with pushing aside the things that don't work or cause unnecessary stress on everyone because we homeschooled.  The kids school, principal, teachers and lunch ladies have all been very accommodating and wonderful in the midst of all of this, too.

     We have tried to go outside as much as we can, but the weather in unfriendly and I'm a wimp about snow and cold.  So are most of my kids- California's mild winters and Florida's lack of real cold made us a little tender- but maybe we just need time?

 I have no pictures of the ENORMOUS amounts of television that my kids and I have watched.  We have been watching through the Star Trek shows, starting with The Next Generation, since we moved up here to Northern Maine, and by the time we started all of this, we had worked our way up to Voyager- maybe my favorite.  So- we watch that, and sometimes Psych, sometimes Merlin.  The kids watched through Gravity Falls and Over the Garden Wall again.  Lucy and Josh and I watched Mean Girls and Clueless.  Bowden has his own tv and PS4 and phone and has spent a lot of time connecting with his friends that way.  He bought all of it with his own money, and while we try to limit time on wi-fi, its definitely what he has spent the majority of his time on. 

     We have also read a ton of books- I had a stack out from the library and have been able to take my time reading through it all.  Bowden got some Bill Bryson books for his birthday, and Lucy has been rereading some of her favorites.  We have really enjoyed the amount of authors reading their book on livestreams- our favorites are Andrew Peterson's Wingfeather Saga, and Glenn McCarty's The Misadventured Summer of Tumbleweed Thompson.  Both authors employ strange and wonderful accents and treats in the midst of all of this.

    Our house- have I talked about our house? Our house is a giant- 4600 square feet, 2400 of that unfinished.  It used to be a supermarket, so the downstairs is open.  The top two stories were the living space for the former owners, but we use it all- downstairs is our pool table, ping-pong table, foos ball game, two arcade games, and our couch and tv.  Its a luxury, and we are very thankful to have it.  Although, like anything that people of means have, lots of it goes unused.  We have a room that we have been fixing up for Bowden to move into, but for this season, I moved the bed out of the room and we brought all of our legos down so that they can stay out and all over in that room.  None of this is even the house's best feature!

    The house stands on the bank of Salmon Brook in the middle of our town.  It is located where the old mill used to be, and because of this, has the most wonderful view and access to the Brook in all of its changing beauty.  We are in town, but its a small town, so we see stars at night, and listen to the brook become a freshet in the Spring.  We moved into the house before we could visit it,not knowing what to expect, and Salmon Brook feels like a specific gift from God.  An small bit of the good Grace that has been given to us in abundance.

     We are wishing that we could be closer to our friends, but we are thankful in this season, and grateful to be well and together.

Ping-pong tournament!  Josh won.

He hates it when I take his picture.
We did puzzles, of course.  But I think we did five, and I feel like that's enough for a year.  Or at least until next month.

Church on Bowden's laptop.

Miles' teacher sent him skittles to do a math packet with. 

Salmon brook March 29, 2020

Zooming with my mom and Rosie, and her kids.

45 degrees is now warm enough to sit outside without jackets. Or sweaters.  If you are young and unwise.

More church!

Lucy hates having her picture taken.

She turtled up.
Charlie.  Five and a half.

Salmon Brook, April 8, 2020

Haircuts, as weird as we want.  Why not?  Now is the time to try all of the styles we want to.

Tilly benefits from all of  the soft beanbags and blankets that are left lying around.

The Easter spread


Salmon Brook, April 14, 2020

A Garagan Rockroach by Jack, from Andrew Peterson's Wingfeather Saga

Lucy's haircut. 

Bowden caught up to Josh somewhere during this isolation. 

Josh's rock wall.  We sat outside on a day when it got just above 50 and soaked up the sun.

Good-dog-Tilly and Josh and his wall.

Salmon Brook, April 21, 2020

School lunches are sent home with applesauce for most days.  Miles made some kind of disturbing drink out of it all.

Salmon Brook, April 22, 2020.


Abigail said...


* My kiddos love Andrew Peterson's Wingfeather books, too, so I heard snippets of him reading aloud at the same time you were. :) One thing I loved about the lockdown was the spirit of unity and the outpouring of generosity it stirred in people, and I was encouraged by how God used the pandemic as fodder for good.

*I thought that picture of Lucy with her new pandemic look was YOU, which means two things: she is lovely like her mother 2. You are aging well

*Your house sounds like something out of a novel. Maybe use all this time to write one? I'll be first in line to buy it.

* And on the subject of writing, I was so happy and surprised when I saw these posts for the first time! We were swamped in something, so I didn't comment, and I'm just now coming back to say, "Hurrah!" I love your written voice. It is so faithful to you. Candid, forthright, funny, thoughtful,'s refreshing to read whatever you write, whenever you write it, and it makes me miss hearing that voice in person! I know you passing through Nanticoke from Maine is about as slim a chance as you doing the same from Florida or Cali, but you have willing hosts and lots of crazy waiting here for that slim chance! :)

I'm glad to hear you're doing well, in spite of the hardships of uprooting and learning to open up for re-rooting again in unfamiliar ground. I admire your person and the faith God has upheld in you, and I pray that He continues to cover you and yours.

sarah said...

I wish I knew when you wrote this- somewhere along the line, my google account and Josh's got married and are now inseparable. So I never get notifications. And I check every 6 months or so.
Why? I find this blog to be one of my most valuable tools for remembering the first four kid's early years. I had so much time during the pandemic. I could have kept up. But instead I watched a lot of tv. Hmph.

Abigail said...

MONTHS ago. :)

Though I no longer get notifications for comments on my own blog (and I don't even have the good reason of blogs mirroring real life and getting married), I do get comment notification for comments on your blog posts on which I've left some words. Weird.

I will blow up your t.v. for you if it would result in blog posts. Just say the word! ;)

Ye Olde Blogging Dinosaur

Abigail said...

p.s. And by "blow up," I don't mean "make bigger."
I mean "destroy/incinerate/etc./etc."

Just so we're clear before you say the word...

sarah said...

I really appreciate your offer to blow up my tv. That’s real friendship!

Lucy’s graduation

Lucy graduated this last June. She was Valedictorian of her class of 25 students, and came away with a lot of honors.  She participated in e...