Thursday, April 27, 2006

As I was cutting strawberries for our Bible study dinner last night, I saw Bowden, out of the corner of my eye, give a little jump and heard his "Ooohh!"
I looked at him, and he looked at me and said, seriously, "I thought that was a creature."
He was pointing at a strawberry stem that had fallen on the ground.

Later, to see the reaction again, I called to him as he was playing in the living room, "Bowden, come see, a creature!"
He replied, "No! I'm scared of a creature!"
"Come on!" and so he came, stopped ten feet away from me and said, "Where?"
"Right there." I pointed.
"Oh, wait, it's not a creature. It's a strawberry stem! Do you want to hold it?"
He looked at it with distrust, which I may have deserved, but certainly not the strawberry stem, "No."
I am not usually so deceitful with my babes, but I loved how he said "creature," and the look on his face.
I did not scar him.


Griffen said...

Oooo! He has his mommy's legs!

Griffen said...

And the obvious conclusion: What a delightful creature!!

Abigail said...

He looks ready to leap away if the Creature rears its head! So cute. Remind him that he's the wild thing.

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