Thursday, May 04, 2006

I am attempting to ready my son for the joys of Sunday school, with it's required sitting and paying attention. He is tired of the nursery, which is chaos with babies, and needs more stimulation, but he lacks two things- the first being potty training. We're working on it.
The second is an ability to stay sitting for longer periods of time, and I think this is mostly because he just hasn't had the practice. We make him stay in his chair until excused at mealtimes, but even then he tends to slide out of his seat, under the table, and ends up in the time-out chair.
On Mondays at 10:30 our library has a kid's reading time for preschoolers, and I have been taking Bowden to this little reading party for practice. He gets antsy- but at the end of this weeks time, they had the kids pretend to be sunflowers. Bowden was twisted with a foot extended as root, and an arm outstrecthed as the stalk, but he soon collasped into a dud seed, only to jump up as a full-grown sunflower. Then he ran away as fast as he could.
Sunday School, here he comes!

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