Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thanksgiving was a good day with good food, of course, and my favorite part, lots of family. My cousins Matt and Michelle were out from Utah, and they brought my other little cousin, Porter. I haven't been able to see much of Porter- but it was really good to be with that part of the family.
Porter is a really sweet boy- very friendly and cute. Even when he screams. And he can scream.

You'd think that Gianna and Mikenna were looking at something amazing. Maybe not so amazing- maybe just television- but it was actually less...electrifying. Some children find fire exciting.
Gianna is a doll.

Mikenna smiing- Porter, Gianna and Mikenna are all first cousins- my first cousin's children- so my children's second cousins. Porter is the only other boy in this new generation beside Bowden and Jack. Beyond that, it's about thirteen girls. Cute girls, but girls. Bowden likes them, but I think he'll like having a boy cousin to play with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"but girls"?!?!

alright umpa.


Lucy’s graduation

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