Sunday, November 02, 2008

What you see through the foggy plastic is the fruits of my Halloween labor- popcorn-ball monsters, made with help from my very own Lisa Richard for Bowden's Halloween party in class. Why? I am the Room Mom. I also made this lovely bean bag toss robot...complete with three of the "sight words" the kidlings should know. (A, I, and The)
It was fun- I had a really neat time in the class, although Bowden acted up quite a bit. We played the bean bag game, carved pumpkins, had a party at snack-time, and made masks out of paper plates. It was really fun, and I really like Mrs. Adler, Bowden's teacher.
I took a little nap at home, and then at four we met the Whites up near Cafe Aroma for the Idyllwild Parade. This is the first year we've joined the masses for the street long trick-or-treat, and I think next year we might miss it. It was crazy, and fun to do...once.
Here they are- Lucy the Unicorn, Bowden the Ninja, and Jack the Lion. Some year I need to find him a fox costume!
Ninja and Unicorn, waiting to begin.
My little Lion.
He hated it when I put the whiskers on, so I hurried and did not touch up.
Bowden, at first, did not want to be in the parade.
"But we trick or treat in the parade!"
He was having none of it. I told him that he could wait in the car, and finally he came...and then asked every two seconds if it was time to start or not.
Fellow mother, Rachel Teegarden was unrecognizable in this...and kind of gross, too.

Ben took out his teeth to smile, and then wouldn't once we told him to keep them in!

Baby Bumble-Bee, Madi Cunnigham.

Once the parade began, it was a mad rush to the Heating and Cooling Shop. They had a TRASH CAN FULL of candy, and threw mad amounts into everyone's buckets.
Lucy's bucket was THIS FULL after that first stop!
The crowd before us!
Teacher Kathy with baby Branson.
Josh saw this and said, "You have to get a picture of that!" You may not recognize Our Lady of Angels with that little devil in front...
Bowden caught up with some kindergarten friends..
Wilton, the doctor, and Ninja Bow.

I think that the other child is a Brian, but I'm not sure. There are 33 kindergartners, and one afternoon was not enough to remember their names!

We got home, and I let the kids pour out their buckets to see their stashes. Josh was sad to see that there was not a single Almond Joy in the bunch.
I was sad that there were not Bit O' Honeys. The kids were not sad at all.

Jack got a lollipop, even.
The sugar made him buzz.
The pumpkin Bowden's table carved at school.
It was excellent. I hate to make too much of Halloween, but it was fun, and I like the excitement of it.


MomZup said...

Such grand memories. Glad it wasn't bitterly cold for your trick or treat parade! Your beanbag toss robot was terrific looking! Mrs. Adler must be thrilled to have you for Room Mom! Strong work, Sarah! That is ER parlance for "good job". Next year you will need to come up with a family theme and all be costumed out!

al'xae said...

I missed handing out candy so it's good to see your kidlings all dressed up. Josh was So right about that photo, love the devil on the church steps. :)

Abigail said...

Awesome robot.

And I'd just like to say,

I've been gobbling candy (read: decimating my children's stash) for three days straight. I think I've got about one day left in me before I sink into a sugar-induced coma.

Your chickens are crazy cute, and John Lion Paulson Tate is so BIG! He's not so much a baby anymore, huh, but he's a really handsome little boy.

Annie said...

Thanks so much- I feel so satisfied now that I got to see them in their little Halloween outfits, and to see pieces of the whole evening was very fun!
Love you all!

Liana said...

You've gotta be the BEST Room Mom ever!

Again, the kids are too cute in costumes. I'm glad Noah likes to wear his all the time - it's fun!

Griffen said...

Man I LOVE halloween and we missed it this year. Your kids are super cute. That parade looked like it was fun. This is hurting me. Goodnite.

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