When I try to introduce the browns and greys and blacks in small amounts, they are discarded. I should say, they are ignored. Initially, any clothes are welcomed with thanks and hugs. Hugs for the giver and for the clothes. But then they sit in the drawers, lonely in their wrongness. Later my little girl will tell me, I don't really like that..."
Still, she's a runner and a climber and a fighter. She's not afraid of getting dirty and not disturbed by the creepy-crawlies, although her discovery of the rattlesnake blocking the way home made her cry a little.
Yesterday she woke up in her OWN room- I'll take a picture of it soon-with a mouse cage, a new little doll house, and lots of pretty things hanging around. It was so fun to put together, and her reaction was validating. We went down the hill to get our pedicures with the Campbells and Sarah Peck- who incidentally is the fifth of eight children just like my mom. We got our pedicures- with flowers- and then went to the pet store and picked out three mice for her new cage. The white one is named Bella, the little brown one is Cutie, and the black one with a white "belt" is Scarlett.
For all this, for all of the things and experiences we are able to give to our daughter, I am thankful. For all of her differences and distinctions and difficulties, I am thankful. I am shocked that six years have passed since I first held Lucy Gates in my arms, but I am glad for every moment that we have been given.
Happy birthday, Lucy!!!