Monday, May 04, 2009

The salsa ingredients were ready to be diced.

Libations were arranged for...

...especially the (virgin) margaritas.

The enchiladas were rolled.

The pinata was hung...

...but Lucy was sick. Her complaining became an actual fever, and she took a long nap. We had to postpone our Cinco De Mayo celebrations. The kids were bummed...I was bummed, too, but around dinner time felt a little queasy myself and had to lie down for an hour and a half. I thought, "Good thing we cancelled."

It was an early celebration, anyway. Tomorrow is the youth group's soup and pie dinner- we couldn't miss that!
It will have to be a Happy Ocho or Nueve De Mayo.


barefootkangaroo said...

I still celebrated with a peach Jumex.

teryll said...

This is the third post I've seen must be a sign I need to make some! I love them! YOU GUYS KNOW HOW TO PLAN A PARTY!

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